Start and register

Dear partners,

Welcome to our affiliate program.

Help us promote our website and sell cruises and advertisements.

You can earn with us 10% on every sale generated by your affiliate link.

It means that you can earn from around 200 USD up to 400 USD on each sold cruise and about 1 USD per every sold advertisement.

If you run a blog or a website, you can add one of our banners or text link. It is clear and easy for you, right?

However, if you do not have IT skills, you can still earn money sharing your link via SMS, WhatsApp, Social media, etc. and get your high affiliate commission.

Here you can find instruction on how to use the affiliate link without having a website or a blog.

Whenever a customer buys one of our ads or cruise, you will enjoy your commission. We pay monthly through PayPal.

The expiration time of the referral cookies has been set to 180 days.

All the time, you can follow your sell progress on the affiliate dashboard.

If you have any questions, contact us via WhatsApp.

Thank you for joining us, and good luck.


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